Diversity Dinners started in the late 1990s, where residents of Chicago's south suburban communities gathered at homes annually throughout the region to celebrate its rich diversity.
The goal of these Diversity Dinners was to bring individuals of diverse backgrounds together to promote understanding, increase positive interactions within the community and build respect for our differences.
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Although no longer held in homes, Diversity Dinners still continues to promote this goal by bringing community members together for a night of discussion & sharing.
In addition to sharing a meal, guests share their own experiences throughout the night with the other participants at their table.
Moderators will present questions to be answered. The Diversity Dinners Committee welcomes everyone to come and join us in this celebratory night of friendly dialogue.
You may be wondering? What can a few people having dinner really accomplish?
By providing an environment that encourages open conversation and listening, we can increase our understanding of one another and the issues that concern us all. With a raised awareness, we can strengthen our ties with neighbors and enhance the growth and stability of our entire region.